Grolite® allows seedlings to germinate more effectively by maintaining enough moisture within the root zoneGrolite from Pratley, is a horticultural product that allows seedlings to germinate more effectively by maintaining enough moisture within the root zone. It also aerates the soil up to the surface level which stimulates root growth as it is far less compact than clay.

Grolite can be used on its own as a growing medium or mixed with other growing mediums like soil or peat moss. As it is attrition resistant, unlike ordinary horticultural Perlites, the strong surface structure of Grolite will not deteriorate whilst being transported or mixed. This unique property allows hydroponic growers to reuse Grolite for more than one growing season. This saves both time and cost. When mixing it with a drying medium like peat moss, it should be mixed in a 50:50 ratio. This mixing ratio helps to retain moisture within the root zone, explains Eldon Kruger, Marketing Manager, Pratley.

Grolite’s expanded perlite particles have a capillary action that holds moisture and nutrients in the root zone, aiding root development. Grolite is also processed in a specially designed furnace at temperatures exceeding 950°C. Such temperatures render Grolite completely sterile, which means that it is free of weeds and pathogenic microbes, allowing for a greater success rate for germinating seeds.  

Grolite comes in different grades: Type 1 is finer and retains more moisture and is ideal for succulents, while the coarser Type 2 provides better aeration and is generally preferred by most customers in the forestry and vegetable farming industries.

Type 1 Grolite® is finer and is ideal for succulents


Type 2 Grolite®is preferred by most customers in the forestry


Grolite can significantly improve plant growth by retaining moisture and allowing excess water to drain off. Using the correct amount of Grolite can help solve issues such as overwatering, poor soil as well as increasing fertilizer efficiency.

Kruger adds that the client base for the product is extensive. Customers range from local buyers to large nurseries and industrial growers, with distribution through nurseries and direct sales, depending on quantities.

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